Tag Archives: iOS 5

Letter to Tim Cook; Yes! Apple, You Did it Again; You’ve Given The World A Whole Lot Of Nothing.

Dear Apple,

Just to let you know;

 “If you don’t innovate, you may survive today, but you’ll die tomorrow”

Sanjay Dalal, 

I don’t like you Apple. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again; I don’t like Apple. Your marketing is good but that’s it. You really don’t know how to innovate or have, along the way – a long way away – forgotten how to. Before I go into this letter true and proper, I’d like to remind you folks at Apple what innovation is;

”The introduction of new goods, new methods of production, the opening of new markets, the conquest of new sources of supply, and the carrying out of a new organization of any industry” – Joseph Schumpeter

With the revelation of the iPhone and iPad (hardly) Apple was seen as a truly innovative company. You opened a new market (sort of) competition was fierce amongst your peers and life was good for all in the land of Technology. I even ignored your price tags and let you get away Scott-free. However, with the introduction of the iPhone 5 you proved that, unsurprisingly, you really can’t do so any more. I mean you continuously and without fail, vomit the same product over and over again each time making it slimmer and lighter making me fail to see a distinguishing difference between you and a bulimic patient. Of course eventually it gets to a point where you can’t even do so anymore and you’re so skinny that you can’t function properly anymore and well…you die.

When last did you give your devoted iFans anything significantly new? (If you’re an ‘Apple-ite’ or ‘iFan’ and you’re reading this, try and be honest with yourself and Apple. When last did they give you a new toy to play with?) I can’t help but think Apple went along with a very different opinion of ‘innovation’. It’s painfully pathetic how iFans seem to think that you always give them what they want from the newer iPhone models. I said it before but they wouldn’t know the difference between the first iPhone and the next ones unless you at Apple told them what it was. Honestly these marketing people over at ‘Late Steve Jobs’ – inherited by Tim Cook – crib have successfully legalized brainwashing people. How else can you explain it? How else?! If you think I’m lying just watch this;

It’s bad isn’t it? In all this I can’t really blame just you now can I? If your fan base were smart enough (or poor enough in some cases) they’d know to demand much more from you. Sadly, they don’t or you haven’t (and I doubt you ever will) told them to do so. After all, Apple knows best and what’s Apple says, iFans listen and obey.

An interesting blog I read on creativity turf by Ojie KING called Apple a rock star. I agree!! You really are a ‘Rock Star’ company! Do what you please, screw over who you please (Think law suits) demand what you want, when you want and how you want it. True rocks stars. A few names that come to mind are Elvis Presley, Jimmy Hendrix and Johnny Ace to name but a myopic few. What have these guys got in common apart from stardom that exceeded the natural limits? Terrible endings, my dear Apple, very poor and terrible endings. Elvis Presley died from a drug over dose, Jimmy Hendrix died (or was murdered) from ‘drowning’ in wine and finally Johnny Ace shot himself in the head. You and Ace are spot on similar in that you’re committing suicide. At least Ace has the excuse of being drunk At the rate your ‘bulimia’ is progressing you don’t have much longer to live. Might I just add that bringing out the new iPod touch (or a further iPad) will not help with your disease.

I promise I’ll miss you terribly Apple for without you what’s an honest pro-innovation person like myself supposed to use as sample material of ‘‘How NOT to ‘innovate’ ‘’? There’s still time to change and become relatively useful to the world.

Yours truly,

Myhonestopinions WordPress

P.S – People are starting to catch on.


Filed under Rantin' Horses